For almost two thousand years Christians have been trying to understand about the “Time of the End” and when Jesus Christ would return to gather His people and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. For even longer the Jewish people have been waiting for the Messiah to appear and restore the Kingdom to Israel as God promised.
Course Curriculum
- Watchman's Guide to the Antichrist
- Watchman's Guide to the Yehovah's Household
- Watchman's Guide to the Revelation
- Watchman's Guide to End Time USA
- Watchman's Guide to the Rapture
- His way are Eternal
- About the Time of the End
- Watchman's guide to End Time Repentance
- Watchman's Guide to Daniel's Prophecies +
- The Time has come, our journey begins
- Of the Last days, I tell you a mystery!
I worked late last night. I can start sending some images
My name is Justin Mitchell. I grew up in Frankin, IN. I have a mother ( Dixie Wimmenauer), Father who is passed (Terry Mitchell) and brother ( Ryan Mitchell). A lot has happened in my life that has shaped who I am and where I believe the Lord is leading me. Without the perspective and experiences that God has allowed in my life, I may not be able to see what I see today or have the vision I have today for End Time Watchman.
As it relates to my upbringing, I started attending an Independent Fundamental Baptist church around the age of 11 years old. I trusted Christ as my Savior shortly after attending. My mother kept us in church and although I attended a public school ( Franklin Community High School) I began to feel called to the ministry.
There were some problems at home between my mother and father. My father got involved with drugs and eventually my mom and dad divorced. This had an impact on my life and would also impact my life later. However, I was encouraged to visit Pensacola Christian College in Florida where most of the church sent their kids to college. Pensacola Christian College was a great place. I learned a lo there and graduated with a degree in Bible 2004( Pastoral Ministries major and Biblical Studies minor).
There was a turning point in my college career right around 9/11 2001. As I read the Bible specifically concerning prophecy, I began to feel the Holy Spirit talking to me. The church had always taught a “pre-tribulation rapture”. It claimed Christ would come and Rapture the church before the last 7 years of the world. However, time after time reading Matthew 24:29-32, and I Thessalonians 4:13-17 , Acts 3:21, and so many more verses, I just knew this was not the truth. I already knew that if I said anything about my belief that my future ministry in the church would be in jeopardy seeing that 90 percent of Christians have been taught this belief. I personally believe that Christ will return after the immediately after the tribulation and those who are dead will be resurrected first, then those living believers will be raptured ( caught up) with Christ and we will be with Him forever.
It was during my Sophomore year in College that someone in my prayer group found out I had this belief and reported me to the Deans. They called me into the office questioning me about my belief. The following Junior year, I had been nominated to lead a Christian service. Because of my belief they removed me from leading that Christian service. It was about then when I knew something was up with organized religion. The following summer was the fall out. My pastor allowed me to speak on occasion to practice in the church for ministry. He knew I had my belief. I spoke a message and only mentioned one verse on what I believed. At the end of the sermon my pastor got up in front of the congregation and told me in front of everyone that “I betrayed him”. He called me into his office and said that “my ministry would slide”.
I never really got much support at home or from my church. Soon after I graduated I realized I needed to do something else because where do I really go? Long story short, because of the way things were handled, and knowing now I had just been following rules taught by men and traditions of men, I started seeking acceptance elsewhere. This led to me falling into the wrong crowds, making poor decisions, not having a plan in life and getting into unnecessary trouble. However, even in all of that God had a purpose and deep in my heart I never lost my passion for knowing the truth.
It was around 2008 that I became unemployed and began using my time to do Bible study on prophecy. I searched you tube, all types of conspiracy theories. I learned and studied about every theory of prophecy out there. Then I ran across a guy named Richard H. Perry. Little did I know about the time I had a falling out in church, Richard had been called to be a Watchman and began writing books about the Time of the End. After purchasing all of Richards books, I began to see things and understand things about the Time of the End that no other theory, or teacher had pointed out. Richard and I have talked every Sunday for over 10 years. We have both been watching for the next event. The Revelation 6:4 Iran 2nd seal war. During the past 10 years I also began my own Personal Training Company. This helped me work with people and also helped me learn how to grow my business and see all of the tools that coaches are using online. I truly believe that everything that God has allowed in my life to go through has prepared me for what I feel He wants me to do next and what needs to be done.
Psalms 119:160 says “The sum of thy word is Truth”. In Daniel it says “These things are closed and SEALED, until the time of the End” And Daniel 11:33 says that “in the time of the end, the wise will instruct many”. The words of the scroll were opened on 9/11. According to the gospels, the End Time pastor has been hiding the message (food at the proper time) from the flock. Matthew 25: 1-7 says “ At that time ( time of the end), All 10 virgins ( churches ) woke up. 5 were wise and took oil in their lamp along their journey. 5 that were foolish did not and were shut out of the kingdom.
The Time of the End has come and I feel God wants me to take what I know and continue the Great Commision and share the End Time message with everyone around the world. This is why I am creating End Time Watchman. A school that allows people to learn the message and use the tools we provide to share the message with the world. That is my hope. As a young child I always wanted to share gospel  tracks to people. I thought it was the greatest message ever. Now that we are in the Time of the End, I feel the responsibility to share what I know and create a platform to just do that. I want to be one of the wise. Matthew 18:3 – “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Â
The time has come, our journey begins!
Watch this
When REV 6:4 Happens
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
Revelation 6:4
The Rapture of the Last Trumpet
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
1 Corithians 15:51-52
The Time of the End
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
Revelation 6:1
Isaiah 43:1
I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior.
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Jesus Christ is Go
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Luke 6:46
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Who is Yeshua the Messiah, called Jesus Christ?
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
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Yehovah and Yeshua
I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour.
Isaiah 43:11
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But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
Mark 13:23
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Prophetic Parables
God wakes up all christian to The End Time
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Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
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Exodus 12
And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying,
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you
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How Christ will fulfil law and prophets
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Matthew 5:17
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Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
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