Guest Speaking

Our mission at End Time Watchman is to help teach, instruct and educate God's people in End Time Prophecy. Not only do we help people understand the Prophecy God has revealed, we help them create a deeper relationship with God. We make sure that our students get a proper perspective of what the Time of the End is all about.

Justin Mitchell educates and instructs on how to talk to others about this topic. Because we know that this takes effort, we have designed a platform for continuous education as we journey through the Time of the End.

With his speaking he inspires and educates you and everyone in the room about the Prophecy that God has revealed.

Justin about the Rapture at the Second Coming

Justin explains what the "parousia" - the coming or (arrrival) of the Lord is. He also explains when it happened and what happens at the parousia.

Who is Justin Mitchell?

Justin Mitchell grew up in Franklin, Indiana, about 25 miles south of Indianapolis. Family has always been important to him. Justin’s mother is the person who got his brother and him to attend church every Sunday. At 11 years of age, Justin accepted Christ as his Savior at the Independent Fundamental Baptist church. Even while attending public high school, Justin began to feel called to the ministry.

We are all shaped in some way by our environment and circumstances, and Justin is no different. Despite family challenges and his parents’ eventual divorce, looking back he sees that these and other events allowed him to see what was most important in his life and to have the vision for End Time Watchman.

After high school, Justin attended Pensacola Christian College in Florida. He received his Bible degree in 2004 with a Pastoral Ministries major and a Biblical Language minor.

It was during college that Justin faced a turning point in his beliefs. Just after 9/11 he spent a lot of time reading and studying the Bible. Justin began to question an important tenet of his church, which taught a “pre-tribulation rapture”. This means Christ will come and gather up the church before the last 7 years of the world. However, there are other churches that believe in “post-tribulation rapture” and as Justin read the Bible concerning this prophecy, he began to feel the Holy Spirit talking to him. After reading and rereading multiple verses he began to believe that Christ will return immediately after the tribulation and those who are dead will be resurrected first. Then those living believers will be raptured with Christ and will be with Him forever.

As you may imagine, having beliefs different than those being taught by professors can cause problems in a religious institution. During Justin’s sophomore year he was reported to the Dean’s office because of his opposing belief. In his junior year Justin was nominated to lead a Christian service but was removed prior to the service. Finally during the summer, even though he was aware of Justin’s belief, his church pastor allowed him to speak on occasion to practice for the ministry. At the end of the sermon the pastor went up before the congregation and told Justin that he had “betrayed“ the pastor.

After college graduation Justin realized he needed to focus on something other than religion. He had been following rules taught by men and the traditions of men, so he began seeking acceptance elsewhere. Regardless of where life took him, Justin believed that God had a purpose for him and so he never lost his passion for finding the truth.

Around 2008, Justin found himself unemployed and began to study the Bible on the topic of prophecy. He learned about all types of conspiracy theories. He happened upon Richard H. Perry who had been called to be a Watchman and began writing books about the Time of the End. After reading Richard’s books, Justin had his eyes opened to see and understand things about the Time of the End that no other theory, or teacher had ever pointed out. Richard and Justin became friends, talking every Sunday for over 10 years.

Justin started his own Personal Training Company so he can work with people, learn to grow his business, and see all of the tools that coaches are using online. He truly believes that everything God allowed into his life has prepared him for what He wants Justin to do next and what needs to be done in the future.

Justin believes the Time of the End has come and God wants him to take what he knows, continue the Great Commission, and share the End Time message with everyone around the world. This is why he created End Time Watchman, a school that allows people to learn the message and use the tools provided to share that message with the world.

As a young child Justin thought sharing gospel tracts with people was the greatest message ever. Now he feels a responsibility to share his knowledge and create a platform to do so.

The time has come and now our journey begins!