Justin Mitchell- Lead Instructor and Owner
Start your journey today through the Time of the End!
The Time has come, our journey begins!
End Time Watchman ( Food at the Proper Time) takes the reader through several highlights of the Time of The End. The Watchman points out from scripture what has happened, what is currently going on and what the Bible tells us will happen during the Time of the End. To help the reader better understand, the Watchman uses a parallel of his own life's story to explain how some of the events in the Bible will unfold. Christ warned His people to stay awake and keep watch for this time. However according to The parable of the 10 virgins, the church was asleep to this message and will be caught off guard at the Wake up cry. Then All 10 virgins woke up and checked their Bibles. The End Time Watchman knew this he created a school to help those that search the scriptures learn this message and teach others during the Time of the End. Because of the depth of study that goes into this message, the Watchman explains his vision for helping those understand what is going on and help reach the world with the message. Daniel 11:33- "At the Time of the End the Wise will instruct many." The time of the End has come, our journey begins!
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When a studebt completes a course at End Time Watchman they will receive a certificate of completion. Then they can move on to the Affiliate program.